Apr 27, 2024
Sociotechnical Considerations
A whole genre of podcasts seems to have emerged recently, taking the shape of interviews with CEOs of AI companies, or similar. Although I have not listened to many of these, they mostly seem to be pretty abysmal, both because of the amount of hype they involve, and due to the lack of meaningful specifics.
That being said, of the ones I’ve heard, the recent interview with Dario Amodei of Anthropic on the Ezra Klein Show seems to me to be vastly better than the average. In part, this is because Klein is a smart, curious, and well informed interviewer, who asks a lot of the right questions, and pushes for details when responses get too mushy. In this case, it also helps that Amodei seems much more straightforwardly honest about limitations than most spokespeople in similar positions.